Nowadays, when people change their lifestyle and try to live healthier, there is a tendency to avoid refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, gluten and wheat, processed foods and beverages, meat, dairy products, but what about caffeine? Isn't it considered another drug as sugar?
In 2013 when I started college, I started drinking coffee regularly, and in 2016 until July 2019, I feel like I was dependent on caffeine completely. If I didn't drink my morning coffee ( 2 shots of espresso with non-dairy milk), I felt that I didn't start the day with energy. One of the results of this was that I started developing what is known as adult acne, and I noticed that every time I reduced my coffee intake, or the days I didn't drink coffee at all, my skin looked better (less inflamed).
It was until one month ago, I got sick for food poisoning, I got sever digestive problems and allergy on my skin, and I wasn't able to eat anything but alkaline and whole foods (veggy soup, salads, some fruits and vegetables, natural juices, and ginger infusions). Since I was sick for 3 weeks, I didn't drink any coffee, except for the first day I got sick, that day I made my regular coffee with my homemade cashew milk, but it was a bomb for my stomach (seriously, this worsened how bad I felt). So the cravings and addition to caffeine disappeared completely.
I don't know if I should be thankful for those 3 weeks of digestive issues, I believe it was the alkaline food I ate that helped me detoxify my body from caffeine (when you eat alkaline and healthy foods your cravings for acidic and processed foods reduce).
When I got completely well, I decided to drink coffee again and what happened was that ... I couldn't drink more than 2 sips of coffee, my stomach couldn't digest it. At that time, I felt proud of myself in a way because I realized that I no longer depended on caffeine, I couldn't even have a small cup of espresso.
Yesterday, after my lunch, I craved something hot that wake me up, and I made a cup of coffee, I drank it, it was around 3 p.m. and the effect of caffeine on my body was so consequent that I couldn't sleep through the night, I felt little palpitations and tachycardia.
So I could say, now, I don't like the taste of the coffee anymore, and the effect of caffeine feels like you have no control over your body.
Everything in excess is bad, especially when things become addictions, and the dependence on caffeine is something that people forget to mention as an addiction problem. Coffee addiction is so serious that people cannot conceive to start the day without having a cup of coffee.
As soon as I wake up I drink more than 500 ml of water, and I try to drink around 1 water gallon per day
During the past month due to my digestive problems, I regularly started drinking ginger tea, herbal infusion, and sometimes green tea. If for a reason I need something more strong I rather go for a cup of black tea, but it doesn't happen frequently. I feel very energized when I have my morning ginger tea that completely substitute coffee.
I also take ginger shots 3 to 4 times a week, it helps me not only to have more energy, but also ginger is a very powerful superfood, which helps prevent viruses, bacteria, cold and raises the body's immune system.
In addition, I am more aware of my sleep time, I try to sleep 7 to 8 hours during the week, and I want to emphasize on this point, sleeping is as necessary as drinking water, eating healthy, exercising, it is not a waste of time like many people think, we must prioritize and respect our sleep schedule.
Another thing that has helped me is the control of the portions of my meals, I eat until I feel satisfied, not until I'm full. After my lunch I used to drink coffee because I felt sleepy since I was eating too much, so I try to control that.
If I feel a little tired in the afternoon I rather go for hot or col tea, ginger shot, or any cold pressed juice and smoothies. Especially green juices such as celery juice and carrot juice are excellent for detoxifying the body and reducing cravings for sugar, chocolate and coffee.
I have been eating more alkaline, natural and whole foods, and limiting my intakes of processed vegan foods and all forms of soy ( tofu, tempeh).
I have developed a gluten allergy, I avoid it as much as possible and eat it only in small portions. This seems to be unrelated to giving up caffeine, but for some people gluten creates brain fog and a feeling of tiredness and sleep, and when people feel this way they tend to drink caffeine.
For that extra energy I need in the afternoon, I drink my plant based protein shake which give me strength and BCAA's before and during my workouts, and I have been experimenting positive changes on my mood, my energy levels, and brain clarity.
Finally, I want to add 2 more things that I started doing regularly
Practicing yoga, meditation and breathing exercises 3-4 times per week either in the morning and / or in the afternoon has helped me focus better on my goals, have more resistance, concentration and feel better about myself, breathing exercises are a great tool for moments of anxiety, depression, and / or anger.
I have been more consistent using my essential oils, either in my diffuser and added in my daily body lotion. In the morning I like to put my diffuser with some energizing essential oil like tea tree, peppermint, eucalyptus and orange.